
  • Make sure there are no holds on your record.
  • Look at the schedule of courses at ONE.UF.
    • Do not register for more than 9 credits!
  • Must register for nine (9) credits in semesters 1, 2 and 3. This is a full-time load for graduate students.
  • Register at least one course by 5 p.m. on deadline, to avoid late registration fee ($100).

Dropping a Course

  • Graduate students can drop a maximum of two courses during their entire enrollment. (International Students must file a UFIC RCL form.)
  • Students are not allowed to adjust schedules after the official drop/add period.


  • Students must have a 3.0 overall grade point average and a 3.0 major GPA to graduate.
  • Students with less than a 3.0 are not considered in good standing.
  • Students with GPAs below a 3.0 will be reviewed by the Graduate Affairs Committee for further action (including possible dismissal) at the end of each semester.
  • Any grade < C (e.g. C-, D+, etc.) will not count toward graduation.
  • Repeating coursework is strongly discouraged.
  • Undergraduate coursework does not count toward graduation.
  • If a student fails to complete all of a course’s requirements, the instructor has the option to give a grade of “I” (incomplete). Most instructors will use this option only if there are extenuating circumstances (family emergency, medical situation, etc.).
    • An “I” must be made up the following term.
    • Students cannot sit in on a course to make up an “I” grade.
    • Failure to correct an “I” will result in the grade being calculated as an E for the GPA.
  • Students are  not allowed to graduate with an “I”, “H”, “J”, or “N” on their record.

Transfer Credits

  • M.S. students can transfer up to nine (9) credit hours.
  • Transferred courses (specific) cannot have been counted toward another degree.
  • Transfers should be done during the first semester.
  • Please email your academic advisor directly if you feel that you have credits that can be transferred.

Core Course Equivalency

  • If you believe that you have taken a course (or courses), including undergraduate course(s), that is equivalent to a core course in the program, you will need to take the following steps:
    • Obtain a copy of your finalized transcript from your prior institution.
    • Prepare a copy of the course syllabus and catalog description of the equivalent course(s) as well as any supporting material such as exams, projects, and homework.
    • Send (email) these items, along with the equivalency form (request your academic advisor for the form) to the instructor who teaches the core course for determining whether the course can be waived.
  • Remember: This is a different process than transferring prior credits, a process which should be handled, with the help of your grad advisor early in your first semester.